This is one of the most common questions Sellers ask when getting ready to sell their home. There are a few costs that are unavoidable, and some that are negotiable. And some you can save thousands on…like the commission when you list with LISTED Realty.

Here’s the breakdown on a $300k home:

$300k Sale price

$9k Buyer’s agent commission (3%)

$3500 Listing fee (or $7500-9k if listing with another broker who charges 2.5-3% to list)

$2100 Transfer tax or doc stamps. Uncle Sam wants his cut.

$400- $500 Title service fee, this one varies depending on the company, but is approximate.

$170 Lien search fee

$1575 Title insurance. This is a negotiable item between Buyer and Seller, in Lee County generally the seller pays it and chooses the title company.

$100-200 Estoppel fee (only applicable if you’re in a Homeowners Association)

Total approximate closing costs- $16,845

The fees can add up, which is why it’s important to do some research when choosing an agent to sell your home. Know your costs before making a decision, what is an agent doing for you that’s worth potentially TENS OF THOUSANDS more than listing with Listed Realty for $3500? We are your Fort Myers flat fee real estate brokerage.

Happy Selling!

Originally from Cornwall NY, Heather grew up cleaning her parents rental apartments and learning about real estate at a young age. She found her way to SWFL in her 20's and bought her first rental property at 25. After meeting with agents to list a property for sale, she began analyzing the commission scale for listing agents and didn't agree with the model. The journey began in 2014, in between working for a large real estate investment education company, working as a real estate agent for a large local brokerage, and managing her own investments in SWFL, she began to develop the Listed Realty secret sauce- professional full service and a flat listing fee.

Industry passion fueled by a strong work ethic and an itch to always do the right thing makes for a successful broker you want on your side!

Heather Termini
(239) 851-4041

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